An Email Account may have one or more Aliases. An Email Account Alias inherits all the settings and mailboxes of its parent account. It will share the same filter settings, the same allow and block lists, and share a common quarantine with its parent and other aliases.
For example, suppose you have a mailbox "", and that mailbox also uses several aliases: '', "", "". You can list each of these additional email addresses as aliases of Then, when you change the settings for one, or allow a sender, it will affect all the different addresses. Quarantined email for each will end up in one shared quarantine for easy viewing.
Add an Email Account Alias by clicking on mailbox
Click the Aliases from the left menu. Click the Add Alias button to add a new Email Account Alias.
Enter only the "localpart" of the email address - part to the left of the "@" symbol.
The alias will show up to the right of the mailbox it has been assigned to.
Edit an Email Account Alias by clicking on its name. Delete it with the red X
Some users setup their emails with + addresses and - addresses, which we support free of charge (we do not bill for aliases or + addresses or - addresses).
If you have, and amend that for various purposes (, then all address extensions are automatically supported and do not need to be listed separately.
Other aliases like info@, admin@, do need to be listed in the system. They can be aliases of a listed mailbox, and will share that mailbox's quarantine, settings, allow/block lists, etc. Or you can list them individually, but, since they will have separate settings and quarantine, etc, they will be billed as such.
To change an alias back to a regular mailbox with it's own settings, simply delete the alias and click 'Add' to the email user field.
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