Why don't you have a network status page?
I think many of your customers, myself included, would benefit from your company having a centralized, public, off-site network status page that lists common issues with timestamps and when they were resolved, uptime information, latency, etc. This would probably fend off a bunch of support requests that currently have to be handled manually by your staff, and would give people like myself additional information to use when resolving mail problems without having to wait for a support response.
Hosting this outside your network (preferably on another domain) would also allow customers to see your status should your website or domain be unavailable.
Google provides this for its Postini filtering and Gmail services:
Some other examples of status pages for services I use:
Official comment
If you follow our Announcements page, you can see our System Status here: https://support.mailroute.net/hc/en-us/articles/360010577594-System-Status
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